Thursday, November 24, 2005

Turkey Day = Family, Food, Football?

Happy Thanksgiving! We've been at sea for a while. This isn't my first holiday underway and it won't be my last. I was talking with some of our Sailors about the meaning of Thanksgiving. We decided that the holiday is all about Family and Food. Even though we're away from home we could at least have the Food. We cooked on a grill on the back of the ship. We baked turkeys and deep-fat-fried them, eight birds all together. The Cooks prepared homemade pies. We had all the fixin's and trimmin's. Then we realized that, in addition to Food and Family, we needed Football... We tried to use our Satellite TV but couldn't get a signal. In the end, it turns out, the real meaning of Thanksgiving is giving thanks. "Dear Lord we humbly thank thee for all the blessings we daily receive..."

Thanksgiving 2001

Good Day At Sea


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