Friday, September 09, 2005


Big Flag on the Mast A strong longing for wandering... Nomads have nothing on the Military lifestyle. You get used to moving every two years; you even come to anticipate it. Once you've been somewhere more than a year you start itching for the next place. The upside is the adventure and the excitement of a new place. The downside: everytime you get settled somewhere you have to leave it and all the roots you've made. I've moved more times than I can count. In just my first year in the Navy I hung my hat in over 13 places. And that was quite a few years (and a few cardboard boxes) ago. I left Virginia behind to move to Texas. Just as I was comfortable there, now I'm here in the Persian Gulf. I think the wanderlust applies to the crew on a ship as well. You sit too long in port and you can't wait to go to sea. Wandering can make you weary, but "oh the places we'll see".

Anyway, here's a picture of me on the bridgewing during a Refueling at Sea.
Refueling at Sea


Blogger HouseOfBrick said...

Before you bother to ask why I'm not in uniform, I'm wearing my Desert Camo shirt and a variation of the ship's ballcap we made to match. I'll try to get a picture of me in DCU's (Desert Camouflage Uniform) sometime soon.

3:57 AM  
Blogger HouseOfBrick said...

Man, I would love to be somewhere cool, moutainous, and green. That sounds inviting about now. But this is where I have been put, and it's not for me to wonder why. Like the quote "wherever I go, there I am". Jeff, thanks for your words of encouragement and service. Dad, I got the pictures and the wall looks like a nice improvement. Mom, I received a package late today from home. Troy, letters #1 and #2 have arrived. Thank the girls for me. Everyone, thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers! I'll post something new soon. I need to take some pictures so everyone can see I'm alive and well. I find it weird that since I used that "Oh the places we will go" quote on the blog I've seen it about 10 times on the internet this week. I hope soon I can talk more about what we've been doing because I'm excited and proud of what our crew has been up to.

3:54 PM  

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