Saturday, August 27, 2005


I established this Blog for my friends and family to see what I'm doing during my deployment to the Persian Gulf. I can only post unclassified information, so I won't be able to tell you everything.

I'm here on a Minehunter in Bahrain. Our crew just arrived a week ago. We've been working hard to settle in and adjust the ship to our standards. We're unpacking, cleaning, and fixing various things.

I'll try to include some more news and pictures of my day-to-day life in the days to follow, as well as some info on Bahrain. Meanwhile I'll be getting used to the Blog and thinking of what to post.




Blogger HouseOfBrick said...

My first deployment: no email, no TV.
My second: email, but no TV.
My third deployment: email, TV and internet.
This deployment: no TV again, but in addition to email the wonders of the internet have made it possible for me to post this blog! I never expected to be a blogger but I guess it's the modern equivalent of a family newsletter.

3:53 AM  

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