Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Coke Light

I bought a case of soda from the store on the pier today. The 24 cans of Diet Coke (for $6) should last me for a few days. Actually, it's Bahraini "Coke Light". Everywhere else in the world it's Coke Light instead of Diet Coke. See the label in Germany or the brand list of Coca-Cola products worldwide. The virtual vender thing is kind of cool.

I'm enjoying the old-style pull tabs that the U.S. got rid of in the 70's. I remember how people used to make all kinds of "art" and clothing out of the pop tops. People are even making stuff out of the new style ones, like belts, purses and even a pull tab motorcycle. The urban legend is that we got rid of pull tabs because people would drop them inside the can and then drink them by accident, but the redesign didn't stop nutty Americans from making something from nothing.

Why "light" instead of "diet"? I guess only Americans have a thing about diets. That can't really be true however since more than half of American adults and 1/4 of American kids are obese or overweight. Yikes!

I finished reading Eric Schlosser's book "Fast Food Nation" last night. It makes a great companion to the "Super Size Me" movie I've been recommending to everyone. Interesting (but scary) facts and anecdotes about the cattle and fast food industries.


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