Thursday, September 14, 2006

Change of Command

The Crest of USS BLACK HAWK (MHC 58)Alright already. It's been WAAAAAAAAY too long since I've posted. So here are some pictures from my Change of Command. In April 2006 I turned over command of USS BLACK HAWK to my relief. The pictures below show the ceremony. It should give you a little feeling of the pomp and tradition.

You can read a little about the history and tradition of Change of Command ceremonies here.

Change of Command Picture
In my cabin before the ceremony

Change of Command Picture
With my Executive Officer (XO)

Change of Command Picture
The official quarterdeck

Change of Command Picture
The crew standing by

Change of Command Picture
I arrive

Change of Command Picture
My Guest Speaker arrives (my former CO)

Change of Command Picture
The front stage

Change of Command Picture
The Color Guard with the US and Navy flags

Change of Command Picture
Posting the colors

Change of Command Picture
My Guest Speaker

Change of Command Picture
My comments to the crowd

Change of Command Picture
My parents in the audience

Change of Command Picture
The exchange of command

Change of Command Picture
The officer who relieved me

Change of Command Picture
Color Guard retires the colors