Thursday, May 11, 2006


Me with Bird
Well, sorry I haven't updated the Blog in a long while. Here's a summary of what's happened since my last post: I took over as Commanding Officer (CO) of the USS RAVEN (MHC 61) in Bahrain in the Arabian Gulf. My crew finished up our deployment there and flew back home to Texas, where we embarked in USS BLACK HAWK (MHC 58).

In late April, it was finally my time to move on. I turned over my duties as Commanding Officer of the BLACK HAWK to the officer identified to relieve me. It was a special ceremony next to the ship, with all the pomp you would expect. I'll update the blog sometime in the next few weeks with pictures from the Change of Command ceremony for everyone who wasn't able to make it.

So what's next? I'll remain temporarily here in Texas for a little while before moving. I hope to take a much-needed vacation. I'll attend several long months of Navy training schools then report as the Damage Control Assistant (DCA) on the GEORGE H.W. BUSH (CVN-77), the Navy's newest Aircraft Carrier, currently based in Virginia.

As I said, I'll try to share some more pictures soon. Meanwhile, thanks for checking in on me!

Raven's Jersey