Thursday, September 14, 2006

Change of Command

The Crest of USS BLACK HAWK (MHC 58)Alright already. It's been WAAAAAAAAY too long since I've posted. So here are some pictures from my Change of Command. In April 2006 I turned over command of USS BLACK HAWK to my relief. The pictures below show the ceremony. It should give you a little feeling of the pomp and tradition.

You can read a little about the history and tradition of Change of Command ceremonies here.

Change of Command Picture
In my cabin before the ceremony

Change of Command Picture
With my Executive Officer (XO)

Change of Command Picture
The official quarterdeck

Change of Command Picture
The crew standing by

Change of Command Picture
I arrive

Change of Command Picture
My Guest Speaker arrives (my former CO)

Change of Command Picture
The front stage

Change of Command Picture
The Color Guard with the US and Navy flags

Change of Command Picture
Posting the colors

Change of Command Picture
My Guest Speaker

Change of Command Picture
My comments to the crowd

Change of Command Picture
My parents in the audience

Change of Command Picture
The exchange of command

Change of Command Picture
The officer who relieved me

Change of Command Picture
Color Guard retires the colors


Thursday, May 11, 2006


Me with Bird
Well, sorry I haven't updated the Blog in a long while. Here's a summary of what's happened since my last post: I took over as Commanding Officer (CO) of the USS RAVEN (MHC 61) in Bahrain in the Arabian Gulf. My crew finished up our deployment there and flew back home to Texas, where we embarked in USS BLACK HAWK (MHC 58).

In late April, it was finally my time to move on. I turned over my duties as Commanding Officer of the BLACK HAWK to the officer identified to relieve me. It was a special ceremony next to the ship, with all the pomp you would expect. I'll update the blog sometime in the next few weeks with pictures from the Change of Command ceremony for everyone who wasn't able to make it.

So what's next? I'll remain temporarily here in Texas for a little while before moving. I hope to take a much-needed vacation. I'll attend several long months of Navy training schools then report as the Damage Control Assistant (DCA) on the GEORGE H.W. BUSH (CVN-77), the Navy's newest Aircraft Carrier, currently based in Virginia.

As I said, I'll try to share some more pictures soon. Meanwhile, thanks for checking in on me!

Raven's Jersey

Friday, February 10, 2006

Commanding Officer

Well I took command of USS RAVEN in Mid January. I've been the Commanding Officer (CO) for three or four weeks now. And what a busy time it has been. These ships operate under a "Crew Swap" plan. Every 6 months a new crew shows up and the old one goes home. It's my time to go home, thank goodness. When I get back in Ingleside, my crew will be on USS BLACK HAWK. We can't wait to get back to the US. Thank you, everyone, for all your support during this deployment. I couldn't have done it without you. I'll update again as soon as I'm back home.

Monday, January 16, 2006


Occasionally, ships at sea take a little time to blow off some steam. A hard working crew needs a break every now and then. So we stopped one day this week in the middle of the Persian Gulf for a Swim Call, navy-speak for a chance to jump over the side and enjoy the water. We put a Rescue Swimmer and a "Shark Watch" in a boat to keep an eye on us. No sharks but lots of fun! We even tied a rope to our crane for a swing. You've just got to break the monotony somehow. It was one of those times when it was great to be on a ship at sea.
Swim Call
Rope Swing

Friday, January 06, 2006


Santa in Camp
Trivia Question: To whom was Santa Claus delivering Christmas gifts in the Thomas Nast cartoon that first depicted him with a sleigh and reindeer? Answer: Soldiers fighting in the Civil War. The cartoon, entitled “Santa Claus in Camp” appeared on the cover of Harper’s Weekly on January 3, 1863.

Crew Bold Christmas Card
A Christmas Card from our Crew, and a picture of the small tree we set up onboard. Christmas was a solemn occasion. The spirit was still in the air but so was the inevitable sadness. To everyone who sent me greetings and presents, thank you so much. Your thoughts, prayers and support make it easier to get through the day.

Christmas Tree

Thursday, December 01, 2005


Thanksgiving Dinner in the Wardroom
Here is a picture of our Thanksgiving Dinner onboard. We were underway for the holiday. Everyone pitched in to create a special meal. We couldn't be with our families, but the crew is small enough that we feel like family. We live, bicker, and celebrate together. We share a common past and present. Of course, it's not the same but sometimes we certainly feel like family, especially on holidays during a deployment halfway around the world.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Hard at Work

Here are a couple pictures to give you an idea of what we do. The first picture is of me underway with an oil terminal in the background. The second is a picture of our Mine Neutralization Vehicle (MNV) being launched. The MNV is a remote controlled device with sonar and a camera. We use it to investigate possible mines and clear them if neccessary.
